Redwoods Bridge Track
Memorials in the Redwoods Bridge Track
ANDERSEN, Roy 'Carl':- 2 May 1927-10 March 2009. “A friend to all”
ANDERSEN, Roy John:- 8 November 1952-24 July 2020; beloved Poppa dearly missed by his grandchildren. Shared memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens:- Coastal Redwood
BERKAHN, Fay Pearl:- 1 May 1937-29 June 2023; forever missed & loved. Memorial tree is a Rimu; Dacrydium cupressinum
BERQUIST, Phillippa Huia; Redwoods Bridge seat
BERQUIST, Phillippa Huia:- 23 September 1955-6 September 2009; much loved mother, nanny, daughter, sister, aunty, cousin and friend. There is a hole in our world, where you used to be. An empty void for only those you loved to see. We'll take you in our hearts, wherever we may be. You will always live on in loving memory, “we love you mum”. Memorial tree is an Acer palmatum, Japanese Maple
BISHOP, David:- Memorial tree is a Morus nigra, black mulberry
BROWNE, Theresa & Joe 'Jack'. Enjoy your view, rest in peace, love your family xxx. Memorial tree is an Acer ????
CRIGHTON, Suzanne Lorraine nee WILSON:- 8 June 1949-15 January 2018; Loved wife of James Conrad and mother of Kelly-Anne, Blair, Fleur & Eve. Memorial tree is Sequoia sempervirens:- Coastal Redwood
FRASER, Laurence and Beryl. Memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens:- Coastal Redwood
FULLER, Bob:- age 53, from Mum, Dad & all your loving family, Rest In Peace. Memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens:- Coastal Redwood
GILBERTSON, Lance Dixon 'Dick', DFC; 2 July 1922-26 May 1991; 487 Squadron, RNZAF. Memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens; Coastal Redwood
GWILLIM, Noel Thomas 'Noeli Boi':- 14 November 1986-21 April 2016; beloved only child of Errol & Ann. Memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens; Coastal Redwood
HALLIDAY, Robert & Isabella. Memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens; Coastal Redwood
KITTOW, Neil Thomas:- 22 April 1933-4 September 2014. Memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens, Coastal Redwood
LEIGH/CLARKE, Marjorie Isabella:- 19 June 1913-20 April 2014; Loved wife of Tom and Dick, mother of Tony and Michael, cherished grandmother and great grandmother of all her grandchildren. Memorial tree is a Liriodendron tulipifera, Tulip Tree
LOYE, Basil & Mary; Memorial tree is Acer capillipes, Snakebark Maple
MACGREGOR, Alan:-1910-2002.Much loved by wife Pat, Neil, Hamish, Alastair, Heather, Sally, “hunter, stockman, gentleman”
MACGREGOR, Pat:- 1912-2015, loving wife and mother. Shared memorial tree is an Agathis australis, Kauri
MACINTYRE, Duncan:- 10 November 1915-8 June 2001. Memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens, Coastal Redwood
MACKIE, Betsy:- 28 June 1948-10 November 2008; Dearly loved wife of Gordon, much loved mum of Scott and Kurt, treasured friend to many
MCDOUGAL, Colleen Mae:- 11 February 1933-26 January 2009; Loved wife of Fred and mother of Christine, Bruce, Susan & Stuart
MCDOUGAL, Frederick Clive:- 22 December 1926-22 May 2005; Loved husband of Colleen and mother of Christine, Bruce, Susan & Stuart. a combined memorial tree is Arbutus unedo:- Irish Strawberry Tree
MINTOFT, David:- 21 June 1916-20 May 2003; Memorial tree is Fagus sylvatica:- English Beech
MORGAN, Elizabeth Aroha Stacy nee ALCOCK:- 28 January 1958-18 September 2018; Daughter of Peter & Mattie, sister of Lynette, Robert & Heather, wife of Tony, mum of Stacy, Nicholas & James. E kore te aroha e mimiti mohou
MURDOCH, Douglas & Margaret. Memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens; Coastal Redwood
NICHOLS, Murray Bryce:- 1953-2010. Much loved father of Chris & Amy and a dear friend to many. Memorial tree is a Fagus sylvatica, an English Beech
O'SULLIVAN, Jennifer Helen:- 9 April 1953-28 January 2022; much loved nanny, mother & wife. Memorial tree is a Parrotia persica, Persian Ironwood
PITCON, Max:- 1930-2011;
PITCON, Elizabeth 'Bet', 'Betty':- 1932-2018; Memories
PIMM, David Wentworth (1921-2014) Memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens; Coastal Redwood
RENDLE, Leslie:- 31 August 1922-18 March 2013
RENDLE, Margaret:- 1 January 1924-1 May 2017
ROBINSON, Donald GT:- 11 September 1960-24 October 1992
ROBINSON, Janeane M:- 15 February 1956-17 October 1984
ROBINSON, Tom:- 6 October 1921-8 October 2005
SHEARMAN, Jayden Barry 'Hollywood':-21 November 2000-3 April 2020; loved son & brother. Memorial shrub is a Rhodoendron ????
SILVER, Michael John:- 3 July 1946-27 April 2019; In loving memory of. We are forever changed because of who you were. Miss you, love you. Memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens, Coast Redwood
SLATER, Kenneth Reginald 'Ken':- 20 December 1944-13 October 2021; In loving memory of a wonderful husband, fun loving Dad, stepdad & grandad and maths teacher to many. Your humour is your legacy, you've left a smile and a song in all our hearts
SWALLOW, Barry; loved and remembered by many. Memorial tree is an Acer ????
SWINBURN, Helen:- 10 July 1926-2 August 2015; Farmer & Forester. Memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens; Coastal Redwood
TAYLOR, Beryl nee SPENCER & Peter Taylor:- 25 June 1960-2010; In celebration of 50 years of marriage
TAYLOR, Beryl:- 18 April 1931-15 March 2014; loved wife of Peter, loved mother of Louise, Brian & Ivan.
TAYLOR, Peter Donovan:- 28 February 1927-11 August 2018; Loved husband of Beryl, devoted father, grandfather & great grandfather 'Pete'. A shared memorial tree, Sequoia sempervirens; Coastal Redwood
WILSON, Patricia Anne:- 10 July 1947-24 February 2022; In loving memory of loved wife of Ewan, dearly loved mother of Joanna, Penny & Jonathan, forever in our hearts. Memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens:- Coastal Redwood
WILSON, Stephen John:- 17 March 1952-4 July 2014; Husband of Trudy, father of Amber & Mercedes, brother of Diane, Yvonne, Trish, Sue & Boy, RIP. Memorial tree is a Sequoia sempervirens:- Coastal Redwood
WOLFENDEN, Michael Bruce:-15 September 1941-4 April 2024; Much loved husband of Jan, father of Erin, John & Kate, poppa of Ryan, Sam, Keira, Sasha and Lana. Memorial tree is an Acer negundo var. violaceum
Beryl Taylor
Roy (Carl) Andersen
Robert Halliday and Isabella Halliday
Douglas Murdoch and Margaret Murdoch
Duncan MacIntyre
Lance Dixon (Dick) Gilbertson
Max Pitcon
Alan MacGregor
Redwoods Bridge
Stephen John Wilson
Betsy Mackie
Theresa Brown and Joe (Jack) Brown
Colleen Mae McDougal
David Mintoft
Phillippa Huia Berquist
Marjorie Isabella Leigh/Clarke
Donald G T Robinson
Tom Robinson
Janeane M Robinson
Murray Bryce Nichols