Bullrush Bridge Track
Memorials in the Bullrush Bridge Track
AUGUST, Beverley Jean:- 1932-2007. Memorial tree is a Liriodendron tulipifera, Tulip Tree
DAVIES, Colin James:- 22 May 1938-30 May 2017. DAVIES, Diane Marion:-27 May 1941-12 April 1997; you are so loved. Memorial tree is an Acer buergerianum, Trident Maple
DE MALMANCHE, Pat:- 9 January 1932-4 August 1995. DE MALMANCHE, Mick:- 14 September 1929-15 September 2009; always in our thoughts. Memorial shrub is a Cornus stolonifera, Red Osier
DE MALMANCHE, Sheree:- 26 June 1982-28 September 2002; precious memories, in our hearts forever, love Mum, Dad & Lance. Memorial tree is a Cornus x 'Eddie's White Wonder'
DEMANSER, Patrick 'Paddy' William:- 8 April 1945-7 January 2015; loving husband of Helen; Memorial shrub is a Camellia reticulata 'Debbie'
DONGHI, Paul Philip:- Died 31 January 2011; aged 35, sadly missed by Mum, Dad and Jo and his sons, Logan, Jordan, Hunter, Boston, RIP; Memorial shrub is Cornus stolonifera, Red Osier
ELLMERS, Caroline:- 2 February 1965-1 January 1996; loved daughter of Rex and Pam
ELLMERS, Kenneth Jonathan:- 12 August 1981-18 December 1995, In memory of, treasured son of Barry & Judy, loved brother of Richelle, always in our hearts, never forgotten; Memorial tree is an Acer capillipes, Snakebark Maple
ELLMERS, Lewis:- 1872-1940 ELLMERS, Prudence:- 1877-1940
ELLMERS, Lewis:- 1916-1968 ELLMERS, Irene:- 1911-1991
GOUGH, Ron & GOUGH Joy; Memorial tree is Agathis australis, Cabbage Tree
GROUSE, Peter:- 1924-2007; Memorial tree is Arbutus unedo, Irish Strawberry tree
HANNA, Robert John:- 25 October 1935-11 January 2012; Son of Bob & Annie, husband of Sue, father of Pauleen & Jude, grandad of Jack, Hanna & Rosa Ellingham, rest in peace; Memorial tree is an Acer capillipes:- Snakebark Maple
HANSON, Louis Derry:- 27 June 1928-11 April 2003; loving husband of Patricia; HANSON, Patricia:- 2 July 1929-7 January 1980; Children Robert, Kathleen & Margaret, grandchildren Carley & Brendon Memorial tree is an Acer buergerianum, Trident Maple
JAMES, Marie Dorothy nee Blake:- 21 May 1937-12 February 2023. Memorial tree is a Cornus contraversa 'Variegata', Variegated Wedding Cake Tree
HARTLEY, Don:- Died 26 March 1985 & HARTLEY June:- Died 10 December 2016. Loved Dad & Mum of Lynne & Pete; Memorial tree is a Sophora ????, Kowhai
JOHANSEN, Lance:- 1944-2006; Higher Power; Salix babylonica, Weeping willow
LEWIS, Megan Louvain; 17 December 1951-2 January 2017; beloved wife of David John, loved Mum of Jason, Tim & William, Nan of Kieran, Chris, Jarrod, Toby, Katarina. Memorial tree is a Betula papyrifera, Paper Birch
MCKENZIE, Richard Tilyard:- 25 June 1932-12 July 2022; “Receive the light and pass it on”. Memorial shrub is a Camellia ????
MCQUADE, Grace:- 16 August 1910-5 June 2000; always in our thoughts
NORRISS, Alice Wood:- Died 7 September 2005; aged 81, loved wife of Ernest, mother of Heather; NORRISS, Ernest William:- 25 March 1922-20 December 2008; Regt No. 437024 NZ Army WWII, loved husband of Alice, loved father of Heather. Memorial tree is an Acer buergerianum, Trident Maple
PETERS, Frank James 'Jim':-15 October 1940-13 June 2014
PETERS, Timothy Robert:- 5 April 1977-2 October 1980
POULSEN, Eileen nee Dixon:- 22 September 1925-23 December 2020. Memorial tree is an Acer palmatum, Japanese Maple
TAIT, Keith Ross:- 17 December 1926-24 September 2007; husband of Gladys
TAIT, Sylvia Gladys:- 4 September 1936-11 May 2018; wife of Keith; shared Memorial tree is an Acer buergerianum, Trident Maple
THOMSEN, Ada and THOMSEN, Rex:-1915-1987; the heart of our forest. Memorial tree is a Podocarpus totara Pendula, Weeping Totara
THORBURN, James Douglas:- 20 September 1924-29 October 2014; loved husband of Nova, loved father of Gary & Neil. Memorial tree is a Cordyline australis, Cabbage Tree
TILSON, Wyvern Hugh 'Shine':- 18 April 1928-11 July 2006 TILSON, Patricia Hetty Jocelyn nee RENDLE:- 10 June 1931-6 July 2008. Loved parents of Jocelyn, Christine & Sandra. Shared memorial tree is a Cordyline australis, Cabbage Tree, Ti Kouka
WILKINSON, Arthur 'Artie':- 19 March 1931-2 September 2007; a much loved husband, father, father-in-law & grandad, rest in peace
WILKINSON, Margaret:- 11 June 1923-7 August 2014; wife of the late Artie and cherished mother, sister, nana & greatgrandnanna, rest in peace. Shared memorial tree is Liriodendron tulipifera, Tulip Tree